209 похожих чатов

Has anyone in here been able to cash out yet?

6 ответов

11 просмотров

They said end Q2 but I doubt it

Carl- Автор вопроса

It's honestly ridiculous that this has taken over a year

It's honestly ridiculous that this has taken over ...

I see your point and totally understandable. There have been some obstacles to enable cashout through Google and app store cause of MTL stuff. However, the Team is gonna try Web app and focused on that right now.

Why is there no ability to see prior sales in the market place

Denzel Washington
Why is there no ability to see prior sales in the ...

It's a thing that is under radar and will be updated later on. For now, you could check NFTs transactions history on Immutable X explorer called Immutascan: https://immutascan.io/address/0xa7aefead2f25972d80516628417ac46b3f2604af

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