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Lock your pool shares into the Ocean V4 migration smart

contract in time to benefit from a 10% bonus on the locked amount!

DDL: 📅15 Jun @ 10:00 AM UTC
This process is compulsory for pools with >500 $OCEAN Reserve.

36 datasets have been highlighted to meet the minimum threshold of $OCEAN reserve, see the full list here:
🌊For pools with less than 500 $OCEAN in reserve, the gas fees for a data pool migration exceed the amount of $OCEAN locked. Thus, no action is required and datatoken holders will be compensated for the amount they staked directly.

Any LP that does not lock their pool shares by the deadline, will still be able to withdraw their stake but will NOT receive the 10% bonus.
What comes next? 👀💥

The Migration Day has been scheduled for 15 Jun 2022 ✅

All pool shares and datatokens will be burned, and airdrops will be sent to all those eligible in the Polygon network.

3 ответов

6 просмотров

When they said burn it’s about circulating supply?

Micks-|| WONT PM YOU FIRST Автор вопроса
When they said burn it’s about circulating supply?

Yes Fio, you can find details of this system here https://blog.oceanprotocol.com/ocean-token-model-3e4e7af210f9

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