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Kingdom Raids run on Sol blockchain?

12 ответов

2 просмотра

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what is Kingdom Raids? new project?

Judas- Автор вопроса
Group Butler [beta]
🔎 You can check the Solana ecosystem page and brow...

cause got some project they just give hint/leak through AMA or sthg but still not fully confirmed

is it? if it runs on SOL, must be multi (?!?) bc am sure that Kingdom raids is bsc

Judas- Автор вопроса
is it? if it runs on SOL, must be multi (?!?) bc a...

maybe its multi chain later, but surely gonna run on Sol too i guess, Sol is really fast for any kind of game project

Judas- Автор вопроса

i think Q2, they will give more information about Sol when its come but at first Q2 is for beta test game

i think Q2, they will give more information about ...

q2 is not that gud for any launching, bro... what this game hav?

Judas- Автор вопроса
q2 is not that gud for any launching, bro... what ...

big and alot partnership (animoca used to invest for Axie if im not wrong), gameplay not really boring and also keep giving AMA to connect with members so i guess they gonna be fine this Q2

Judas- Автор вопроса
u hav its tlg grp?

i have but not sure can send it here but u can check there https://t(.)me/kingdomraidschat

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