210 похожих чатов

Admin there? i have a question regarding my glmr ,

i ve joined the staking delegation for few months, but when i came back and check the rewrads it shows the candidate is in the wiating pool ,no rewards to earn . so i just revoked my tokens but why i havent received my tokens back yet and its been 12 hours now.

4 ответов

6 просмотров

revoke takes 7 days for GLMR, and 2 days for MOVR

Bill-T o7 Автор вопроса

open the Moonbeam dApp, hover the cursor over the check mark and you will see in which round you will be able to confirm the execute. after 2-7 days you need to manually confrim the execute :)

Bill T o7
thnks bro. very clear now.

Hi Mate! First of all we're sorry to know that you lost several staking rewards.. Once you will complete the revoke please consider how much is Key the Collator selection process! For all the stats and status you can check stakeglmr page. If you wanna deep dive about Community Collators like us you can also go onto Discord Moonbeam and search for the channel #meet the Collator. In any case, you're welcome! 💪

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