210 похожих чатов

Anyone can buy and redeem kava worth 1usd right?

10 ответов

8 просмотров

You can only redeem USDX for $1 if you minted USDX on kava Mint

I dont understand

There is no where to redeem USDX bought on kavaswap or AscendEX. When you mint USDX with other assets on kava mint you borrow USDX and when you wish to repay you redeem that USDX, but doesn't matter what value it has. If you borrowed 1000 USDX when it was $0.98 and sold it, then now wish to repay you can buy it at $0.82 and repay 1000 USDX

Aratao- Автор вопроса
CryptoDaz (Darren)
There is no where to redeem USDX bought on kavaswa...

so there is no way to buy usdx right now and get 1 usd for it?

Aratao- Автор вопроса

there should be, to encourage arbitrage so usdx price can go to peg again

there should be, to encourage arbitrage so usdx pr...

And where should the supply for redemption come from?

Aratao- Автор вопроса
from the collateral

So what do you offer: to take somebody’s collateral?

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