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If you want to interact with cosmos / substrate(polka,kursama) /

EVM / NEAR / whatever ecosystems, there needs to be bridges, otherwise the Layer1 / L2 EVMs, even they are interoperable due to the tangle DAG consensus UTXO layer, even if native or EVM/eWASM/whatever smart contract runtime is running on Layer1, you are still completely isolated on some milkstreet far away on its own galaxy, even there are 5000 stars and planets ( aka dex'es / lending protocols / "algorithmic" `stable`coins, utility projects, soonaverses or godknowsnonvalue-nftbots on their own nft marketplaces ) -

how the heck do they want to expand in defi, without having some onchain light client implementations of other protocols on L1, to wrap tokens with equivalent liquidity pairs, decentralized price oracles - or how the hell you want to interact with the cosmos ecosystem and their NFT marketplaces, without bridges? mint-and-burn centralized approach ? Or do these assemblyshimmyshimmer people have some similar concept as ICS721 NFTs with IBC InterBlockchainCommunication standards,running specific relayer channels between chains please?

INSIDE ISCP and their EVMs on L2 / L1, OK, that works, but that would totally end up in some encapsulated island, where the users on that parallel universe still use sticks and stones to ignite some fire, while not even knowing that the internet exists m8

1 ответов

24 просмотра

I think you totally misunderstood that tweet. It doesn't mean there wouldn't be needed bridges to other ecosystems. It means that in IOTA ecosystem there won't be needs for bridges

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