209 похожих чатов

Why isn’t there a general pool for staking on all

datasets? That would be way easier than gambling, excuse…finding the right dataset.

6 ответов

12 просмотров

Thanks for your feedback/suggestion :)

Like an index fund? Good idea

This is actually why I stopped staking the first time. Too much risk staking precious Ocean on a data set made by a random person. Index would be great. Or a dataset from dailmer even better :)

James Glasscock | Reserve.org
what do you see as the staking risk in onda v4?

As for risks.. There are none as far as I can tell because datatokens are minted/burned proportionally when you LP a pool.

James Glasscock | Reserve.org
what do you see as the staking risk in onda v4?

We have explained what to expect on the V4 staking program here https://blog.oceanprotocol.com/ocean-v4-one-sided-staking-93988f65e378

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