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Why so many early unstakes from big players all of

a sudden?

6 ответов

11 просмотров

Where do we see who unstakes?

Matilda- Автор вопроса
Sydne doula
Where do we see who unstakes?

On etherscan . 1,000000 2,250000 620,000 2,600000 3,234,000 1,000,000 hex All ended early….why? These are big players…they know something?

Matilda- Автор вопроса
Oliver (Don't ape! Sloth!)
A big player is just a dude with a lot of coins.

Yeah, sure…it’s obvious those guys tat unstaked are dumping right now. Time to load up

On etherscan . 1,000000 2,250000 620,000 2,600000 ...

just a couple of stakers halted their stakes, a bunch of others restaked long term, nothing new actually

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