214 похожих чатов

Waves transfer to other chains not working? I thought only

USDN was blocked?

3 ответов

8 просмотров

Sorry, I missed your question 😅 You can see the list of coins available for withdrawal and their networks Gateway FEE in this list: https://waves.exchange/gatewayfees

shitpostoor (¤, ©️)-reeee Автор вопроса
Ilya 🔹 Waves
Sorry, I missed your question 😅 You can see the li...

No but I keep seeing users say various gateways aren't working eg BSC?

shitpostoor (¤, ©️) reeee
No but I keep seeing users say various gateways ar...

The WX group administrators always have the most accurate information. You can find this group here: https://t.me/wavesexchange However, as far as I can see, neither the withdrawal nor the deposit with this network is suspended.

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