210 похожих чатов

The purpose of BTC has been forgotten yes its worth

a lot but will it always be so? And why? I can see why ARRR has value.

10 ответов

7 просмотров

the 21 million BTC limit and how the code cannot just be changes. BTC has many issues ,indeed ,but taking away the fed's ability to print money as their hearths desire is already an imense victory ... Without this the normies wont notice btc doing so well when the money printers really go crazy. In a world with honest goverents ,or responsible voters, btc also has a great place because who doesn't wamt to follow where tax money goes to ?

Jens ziejzaknni
the 21 million BTC limit and how the code cannot j...

That's a ton to unpack for most. I really like some of the aspects.

Jens ziejzaknni
the 21 million BTC limit and how the code cannot j...

Government needs to go. People need to reembrace their sovereignty (which coincides with understanding their Rights and thus the Rights of others). Then we can have freedom.

sovereign people ,responsible voters ... same thing...

Jens ziejzaknni
sovereign people ,responsible voters ... same thin...

it is not. Government is there to rule you. A Sovereign has no rulers above them, which is what the word means.

if government was what government claims to be ,there would be no coercion either

Jens ziejzaknni
if government was what government claims to be ,th...

incorrect Jens. Government runs on coercion, right down to how it is funded through taxation. Taxation is theft as evidenced by its coercive nature... pay us or else! Taxation is a threat that violence will be done unto you unless you meet the demand.

incorrect Jens. Government runs on coercion, righ...

thats an effect of non responsible voters wich enables politicians to do what they want

Jens ziejzaknni
thats an effect of non responsible voters wich ena...

"Responsible", or "irresponsible voters", doesnt change anything. Government is what it is. The government may be better, a milder form of tyranny, under "responsible" voters but it is still tyranny as proven through its required coercion to exist in the first place. Government has to thwart Free Will by its very existence regardless if it is better or worse government. Truth is, voters are not responsible by default. Not responsible for themselves or others by the very act of attempting to pass off that responsibility to others (3rd party of government) by the act of voting. Voting is an illusion of control/responsibility.

K-L Автор вопроса
Government needs to go. People need to reembrace t...

Government is the worst invention if humanity along with the countries, states, etc. Divide and Conquer, Control.

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