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For 5 dolar poster sharing event do we must perticipate

in the ama? Or Just sharing and filling the for is enough as before?

14 ответов

10 просмотров
Hakan- Автор вопроса


There are 2 categories 1. Share on Twitter and other telegram account 2. Quiz during the AMA

Hakan- Автор вопроса
J Pretty
There are 2 categories 1. Share on Twitter and oth...

This says you must perticipate, this is not for the sharing event right?

This says you must perticipate, this is not for th...

For you to win any reward, you must participate in the AMA (your presence is a must)

J Pretty
For you to win any reward, you must participate in...

Derivatives Master Contest event's Rewards distribution was done? or its pending yet?

You don't need to tag me here each time you drop a message in my DM.

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