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Moving on to the SGN. Are there any expected updates

coming for the SGN? Specifically the possibility of SGN fees being used to buy CELR off the market and distribute only CELR to SGN stakers?

1 ответов

6 просмотров

So for SGN, you will see it in a new proposal that we aim to defend against malicious chains. Especially given the current market condition, we want to be more strigent in terms of what we are preparing for. Today, if you look at the entire bridge space, every single bridge is assuming that the chain it connects to is benign and won’t act malicously with long-range fork or double spend. Well, we feel that it is a potential risk that some of the chains might be affected with long-range forks which is a security risk to bridges. We are right now building a chain-guard feature to defend against that. The high-level idea is to have SGN track the chain forks and has the worst-case exposure of pausing certain bridges connections instead of having full liquidity under exposure.

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