209 похожих чатов

Must be ok on the ethereum end of things, but

some kind of ledger f*ck up ? 🤔

4 ответов

16 просмотров

No. I think it was 100% my mistake. I believe (behind the scenes) that there’s some method of tagging the ERC20 transfer and when I chose the ETH network instead of the QNT network, it sent it to the main ETH Account on the Ledger instead of the QNT - ERC20 category, inside the ETH account. Hopefully that’s clear. (Yes, I understand there’s no QNT network and QNT is using the ETH network.)

René 🪀- Автор вопроса

I understand. What i don't get is how that can make any difference transferring any quant, as it's just an eth transfer. being an eth token. Very interested in the hows and whys if anyone knows. Or: Uphold "swapped" your quant back to ethereum, because you chose the eth option?

René 🪀- Автор вопроса
René 🪀
I understand. What i don't get is how that can mak...

If you, @mister_aanderson , would kindly check an eth explorer like etherscan, you would be sure. If the transfer is added to your eth amount there, then Uphold somehow "swapped" your quant back to eth when transferring. If not, then Ledger is the problem.

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