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ICYMI| This week at Ocean 🌊 🚀Data Farming is LIVE with

new opportunities to earn, and *stake* into Ocean Market pools to scale data consume volume in the Ocean ecosystem.

Read the dedicated blog post on the program here: https://blog.oceanprotocol.com/ocean-data-farming-is-launching-f633532d831c

🚀The Ocean V3 Airdrop has been completed ✅ with a total of 7,676,689 $OCEAN airdropped to all the V3 participants who experienced a loss while publishing, staking or acquiring datatokens.


🎙Founder @BrucePon answered live questions from the community on the OceanONDA V4 at the Telegram AMA


Ocean was featured in 11+ articles in leading crypto publications like @beincrypto, @crowdfundinside, @cryptod0tnews, @CoinCodex and more!


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7 просмотров

Amazing week indeed

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