210 похожих чатов

Hi guys, when can we expect Kava to be tradable

on Osmosis? I see an option to IBC to Osmosis but can't do anything with my Kava there. Osmosis team says it's an implementation on the Kava side to be done so that the asset becomes tradable on Osmosis.
Have asked this question about 5-6 weeks ago and wanted to know if anything has changed since or if we can expect the feature anytime soon?

4 ответов

11 просмотров


Cameron | Kava (I will never DM first)

Yea, that’s not tradable. The whole pool is only $1,000, with no rewards. It’s not even selectable on the dex swap page. Please answer the gentleman’s original question.

Waroon- Автор вопроса
Cameron | Kava (I will never DM first)

Hi, I'm not sure if I get what you sent here. That's the link to the KAVA/OSMO pool? Well I'm looking for trading my KAVA om Osmosis after doing an IBC transfer from Kava to Osmosis.

Hi, I'm not sure if I get what you sent here. That...

If you use keplr you dont need to send thru ibc, on osmo just deposit kava.

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