off their website and all of their medium articles . SUS behaviour?
Yes QNT is shit
Lmao wut fr?
Ya bro. Medium articles deleted and when the new website came out no white paper to be found
Lol this is freaking hilarious. Most of crypto is going down in flames bad. This seems to surely be like the dot come burst and only a few will survive
Bro u know how bad qnt is shilled to me
Agreed lol . LINK is gonna do great in the bear tho regardless of price, the company will continue to produce while all these shitcoins scams die in the process. We will be able to pick up cheap LINK because the market is still not pricing it in. Chainlink is like Amazon after the dot com bubble . The stock price was going down, but all the internal company metrics were going up
Ofc you bring up QNT when no one here was talking about it
We’ve heard this comparison I guess will see. I’m not as optimistic about the whole space anymore after watching a lot of what unfolded
Nah I actually brought it up because @jklmnop5 used to hold it and I recognized him lol
So why didn’t you just pm him this
Dude you’re the most negative fucking guy , relax
Stop bringing up bullshit tokens then ty
Don’t tell me what to do faggot, it’s just a random convo.. we were literally chirping QNT lmao
Keep up the negative energy bro love it
Not really negative, just rational
he bought it up by saying they had deleted it, this is new age "they are so good they dont need a whitepaper" shilling?
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