209 похожих чатов

I have a question , in regards to the Disney

golden moments collectibles - will the characters ft in the golden moments ever appear as a collectible again. In other words we prob won’t have another c3p0 or R2 on the app ? Like how we have several superwoman’s ect

5 ответов

10 просмотров

Hey there, Yes, That's possible. Because their editions would be different and also it is a thing that could be affected by brands and companies behind those. Basically, Golden moments have their own credits in comparison with other collectibles introduced in future.

Dreez⭕️- Автор вопроса
Farnoush AmaZix
Hey there, Yes, That's possible. Because their edi...

It’s possible we won’t see them again or will ?

Honestly there is no definite answer for your query :) Let's see what happens in future, there may be new and different golden moments.

Dreez⭕️- Автор вопроса
Farnoush AmaZix
Honestly there is no definite answer for your quer...

I’m speaking more on the characters/items displayed as golden moments -

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