209 похожих чатов

Wondering if Data Farming increases the sell pressure of the

OCEAN token? 🤔

17 ответов

8 просмотров

Data Farming is designed to reward data consumption, which will incentivize the usage of the protocol and improve adoption and that is beneficial to the Ocean.

Crypto-4IR Автор вопроса
Data Farming is designed to reward data consumptio...

Thanks for the response. Also when the ocean marketplace is forked, does the forked marketplace use the OCEAN token?

This is up to the developers to decide, they can choose not to use Ocean.

Shaiful Islam
Have a staking platform?

Yes Shaiful, You can do that by visiting Ocean market and staking on Datasets on polygon network https://market.oceanprotocol.com /https://oceanprotocol.com/earn

Shaiful Islam

Please ignore, report and block. That's a scammer

Shaiful Islam

😂 good reply.

Shaiful Islam

Where option?

Shaiful Islam

Please read through this https://oceanprotocol.com/earn

Shaiful Islam

Not a good system boss

Shaiful Islam
Not a good system boss

Let me know if you are still having issues. You can also check out this group https://t.me/Farm_Ocean

Shaiful Islam
Don't understand this system boss

Ask your questions, I will be more than happy to answer 😊😊😊

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