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When will all users be able to cash out???

3 ответов

10 просмотров

There is no definite answer to that as you see in products that needs further developments. However, I'd say beta users who do KYC during this and upcoming week, will try payout and then it will gradually be available for all.

Carl- Автор вопроса
Farnoush AmaZix
There is no definite answer to that as you see in ...

This is beyond frustrating and unacceptable. No one on the team will give a clear date about this, despite waiting over a year. The community has been patient enough. They said the end of Q2 and now nothing again

This is beyond frustrating and unacceptable. No o...

It's been always stated that it is a priority to have Payout after web app and KYC in this quarter. So It is definitely going in that direction. Maybe not till the end, but it is not the end of the world to have it once it is ready to be rolled out after beta users in upcoming days.

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