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Who voted to disable ILP and stop minting BNT in

all the pools?

7 ответов

13 просмотров

They used bip21 to give themselves emergency powers and still have to submit a retroactive vote to the dao. There wasn't any rule that allowed them to disable withdrawing from V2 though. Just goes to show how desperate the situation is. But everything is fine as long as the foundation can keep paying themselves while declining any form of responsibility towards their users. Finma will surely love this case.

It was decided based on this, and there's an upcoming vote to disable the CD and the w/l fee. There will also be a retroactive vote regarding the ILP pause.

They used bip21 to give themselves emergency power...

Would u have fathered we all lose everything to Celsius withdrawing ?

Would u have fathered we all lose everything to Ce...

Couldn't care less about V3. It's the V2 trap that concerns me. There's literally no reason to force people into migrating except to rob them of half their deposit. That's what I will fight for. Never agreed to V3's term and had my guaranteed ILP for 100 days + years. They can keep the LM rewards, I don't care anymore about BNT, it's become a worthless infinite supply shitcoin.

Would u have fathered we all lose everything to Ce...

Now if you don't mind, I'll stop answering you. It's pointless since you obviously drank too much of the kool aid.

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