209 похожих чатов

Whats the reason for putting new momos again on the

How is this model deflationary?

6 ответов

4 просмотра

Before 1 august 2021 Mint speed of momo box were 42k/week After raffle İt is 20k/week Momos have their own circulation You can check it on "Nft Farmer>Network"

Magna || Never DM you first
Before 1 august 2021 Mint speed of momo box were 4...

what do you mean by mint speed of momo box? isn't it the same since beginning? 18k boxes from vembox supper raffle and 2k from normal raffle 🤔

any idea what "known bugs" are going to be fixed on the next update? 🤔

Magna || Never DM you first
İ believe the known bugs cant be major

yeah, maybe only the team know about these bugs

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