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Matthew hasn't been so active in FUD about Djed for a few weeks but I've been doing a little bit of research Firstly I gave a fair rebuttal to his FUD, when he first posted it = https://www.cotinode.network/djed/counter-of-matthew-plomin Next the research . The thing he doesn't mention when fudding DJED and the COTI team is that his wife is on the team of a different stable coin launching on Cardano . And not just on the team but the CEO. So it's clear that his fud is to try and downplay Djed and the COTI team so the hope that his wife's coin succeeds. This type of thinking is why crypto has a bad reputation with many people. The maximalist thinking that for your project to succeed that another has to fail. https://www.mehen.io/team/jillian_plomin and https://www.mehen.io/catalyst-proposals Expect more FUD about Djed and possibly COTI over the coming weeks/months as Djed nears release. When reading FUD be mindful of what the Fudder would have to gain by spreading it.

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