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I haven't withdrawn anything yet, but even if I was

made whole after the team fixes the current issues, and those that pulled out aren't, then why would anyone stay?

3 ответов

12 просмотров

Yea, exactly, once ILP is restored the withdrawals are gonna be insane

B-Flo Автор вопроса
Jay Kay
Yea, exactly, once ILP is restored the withdrawals...

Only chance that doesn't happen is if everyone is made whole.

Jay Kay
Yea, exactly, once ILP is restored the withdrawals...

Not if the protocol is working without a risk of death spiraling again. We have an OG team, an examplary support team, if they manage to get us out of this pickle then why not trust them on the oong term and take advantage of the perks. That's a big if but they clearly haven't given up on us. Thanks for the hard work all of youse.

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