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hail-alaz Автор вопроса

Always do your own analysis) Not financial advice. I'll just explain what's what Moonriver is the сanary network on Kusama, which is the engine of progress. All the most daring tests will take place there before deploying to Moonbeam, any important feature will always go through Moonriver first. Moonriver can be seen as a faster moving more community focused network. Some projects that don't need such strong security guarantees will only deploy to Moonriver. Also, in Moonriver, projects with dual deployment will be able to test new features, gather community feedback, and then bring them to their Moonbeam deployment. These are just a few examples. Moonbeam will need Moonriver as well, because Moonriver is where the codebase will be tested before being sent to Moonbeam. There is and will continue to be a huge demand for blockspace based on increasing web3 adoption, so I expect different communities and use cases to form around each network. I find it extremely unlikely that one or the other will get all the usage and the other no usage. one possibility is that e.g. games and perhaps nft use cases center on moonriver and higher value defi use cases on moonbeam, but this is pure speculatoin at this point. we will have to see how it plays out. It seems to me that since Moonriver is faster in the field of making various decisions, the network is and will be in great demand. Many projects also opt for dual deployment. Moonbeam & Moonriver is creating a huge multi-chain future with which you can interact with assets from polkadot, kusama + parachains that conform to the ERC-20 standard but are also Substrate-native assets. https://docs.moonbeam.network/learn/platform/vision/

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