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Anyone with a ledger able to access their Bancor portfolio

via mobile? Can't find any way to connect the Ledger to a wallet that interacts with Bancor

9 ответов

5 просмотров

Have you tried using Ledger with Metamask to connect to the UI, Gus?

Gus Chiggins- Автор вопроса
Carlo AmaZix
Have you tried using Ledger with Metamask to conne...

Ledger doesn't work with metamask mobile app, unless I missed it.

Carlo AmaZix
Have you tried using Ledger with Metamask to conne...

Web browser works best imo, lad. Using a laptop most of the time, @GusChiggins

Gus Chiggins- Автор вопроса
Noella Slay
Web browser works best imo, lad. Using a laptop mo...

Understood. It would be nice to be able to check Bancor purely via mobile though, and while using a hardware wa11et .

using a ledger, you will have to access to bancor portfolio initiating a third party dapp browser

Gus Chiggins- Автор вопроса
Gus Chiggins- Автор вопроса
Anima Dunk
You can use zapper

Looks like that's only iOS, not android.

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