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I think we all get the firewall between the foundation

and the protocol Nate. I feel like your going to keep getting beat over the head about this until you guys provide some info on what the game plan is. Because the longer this drags on the worse it looks and if the foundation exists to support the protocol and it stands pat while the protocol gets killed by negative sentiment what's the point?

I haven't been one of the people screaming bloody murder through this but with roughly 6 figures tied up here and we're still waiting for options two weeks in its starting to get a little old.

I'm sure you understand.

2 ответов

15 просмотров

Sure I understand the frustration. I hope you can also understand that these are complex issues to solve and the resolutions take time to create. Contributors are close and will share as early as they can. Also everything is on chain - if you actually believe that things are taking too long, anyone including yourself is free to devise solutions and push them in the DAO. Lastly I’m not sure what the alternative you’re suggesting for the foundation to do vs. “standing pat”. We’ve already said there’s no expectation of a bailout. The foundation gives community members grants to develop the protocol - if there are ideas to address the current issues that you/anyone wants to build/research you are free to apply for such a grant.

Christ- Автор вопроса
Nate Hindman 🗿
Sure I understand the frustration. I hope you ca...

I don't think anyone who's trying to engage with you guys in good faith has any doubts about how complex this must be. I'm sure it's a nightmare and having people screaming for blood doesn't help. I feel like "We're working on it." Has lost its luster though for most of the people in here. I understand you want to present something finished to the DAO but maybe a heads up of where you think the options are taking you guys would let some of the smarter people here feel like they could contribute. I think having us throwing random suggestions into the void or half baked ideas at the DAO is counterproductive. And believe me I certainly don't place myself in the category as having the answer. I'm not an economist, blockchain expert or smart contract programmer....that's what I have you guys for. 😃 As far as the foundation and "no expectation of a bailout" I get it. They are a separate entity legally yada, yada. But to play devils advocate (and again I'm still all in here financially expecting you guys to solve this) if you guys can't figure out how to dig out of this there's a real chance the protocol can't recover. And then what function doest the foundation serve? At that point maybe the expectation should be revised? If the foundation has the funds make everyone whole, shut it down and come back with a fresh concept encorporating the lessons learned. That, to me, would be one way to get back some of the trust that's been damaged in a worst case scenario. Again to reiterate, I'm not trying to attack anyone on the team or what your doing. I don't envy you guys right now. I'm just trying to distill what alot of people are thinking in a more constructive way.

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