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Also @coineater what do you mean take the foundation should

take firm responsibility?

If you are not asking for a bailout or for them to act as an insurance slush fund for TKN LPs (who will leave anyways), then what exactly are you asking for?

A statement about how the foundation is aware of the situation and will continue to fund development that seeks to address it?

A grant to the DAO of funds for vBNT holders to manage going forward? I’d imagine there are some legal grey areas there that introduce legal risk but that might be one pathway to giving the DAO more agency. Or a new model that creates a DAO fund generated from fees that is managed by the DAO.

1 ответов

11 просмотров

a lot of crypto is about confidence, reputation, narrative...they're failing on all those counts. losing tons of goodwill and established relationships with token communities - the same communities that helped put bancor back on the map. if you see polls and twitter the main disgruntled topic is the foundation's non-chalant distant stance, any 2017 or earlier OG is practically vomitting at the mouth and getting PTSD - and the governance proposal for them to assign a representation to talk instead of disjointed random employees coming with snarky remarks is a good start.

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