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Through a fixed, decentralized, supply of only 84 million. One aspect I don't hear mentioned is that while people are aware that the Federal Reserve prints money they seem unaware that banks effectively do it as well. Starting on March 26, 2020 the 10 percent required reserve ratio was changed to zero. This means that banks have become their own "mini" federal reserves with almost no limitations on how much currency they create through loans (except the applicable lending laws).

bakeTheCrypto - NRG! • N-R-G!
was it not 2% .... mmmh, source?

I think you're confusing the 3 percent required reserve ratio against net transaction deposits above the low reserve tranche (I'm referring to the 10 percent required reserve ratio against net transaction deposits above the low reserve tranche level). Here's your source: https://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/reservereq.htm

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