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Hi, new member here.. Is CKB PoW? And why?

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It is for two main reasons 1. We love proof of work's simplicity and security 2. CKB's version of PoW identified and removed the fresh transaction bottleneck. For more details see this paper: https://eprint.iacr.org/2020/1101.pdf

Nervos is multilayer, Nervos CKB L1 is PoW, L2s may have other consensus including PoS consensus and variants. The choice of PoW for L1 is due to the fact that the team considers it to be the best option for a global settlement layer. Some resources: https://github.com/nervosnetwork/rfcs/blob/master/rfcs/0001-positioning/0001-positioning.md#424-proof-of-work-vs-proof-of-stake https://medium.com/nervosnetwork/forget-about-the-tps-competition-df40a45fdad8 https://medium.com/nervosnetwork/why-we-love-nakamoto-consensus-5467c035fc55 https://medium.com/nervosnetwork/comparing-proof-of-work-vs-proof-of-stake-9d113f9e8c6a https://medium.com/nervosnetwork/breaking-the-throughput-limit-of-nakamoto-consensus-ccdf65fe0832

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