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Chainlink is the epitome of a multi-level and intelligent scam.

There are only three or four people on the team, who have some of the most unimpressive resumes in the blockchain field. Their Testnet consisted of nothing more than a simple JSON Parser, something that any college freshman could put together over a weekend. Remember all of those "projects" during late 2017 that ended up being nothing more than vaporware? Chainlink is one of them. Somehow they've survived for two years, but I think that's due to the different approach they have taken. Instead of hyping their coin, they've stayed extremely patient. They know that they can make more money from you over the course of a few years rather than weeks. I would be very cautious if you decided to buy Chainlink, as it could very well be the worst decision you've ever made. The CEO of SmartContract (Sergey Nazarov), the founder of Chainlink, holds a degree in Sociology and a minor in Religious Studies. He's also worn the same shirt at every single conference for the past two years. Is that really someone you want to trust with your money? Don't fall for all of the technical terms used in this talk. Those words mean nothing. The people in the crowd don't even know what he's talking about. The Blockchain Team Leader at Microsoft, Chad O'fork, said this about Chainlink in February 2018: "While Smartcontract and Chainlink are interesting projects, I doubt there would be any real use-case in the future for such technology. Companies do not like to put their data in the hands of anonymous node operators."

4 ответов

7 просмотров

I’m selling this is probably right on

Why have we been so blinded by the checkered shirt and big macs?

LinkFarmer- Автор вопроса

Please speak English

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