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@LinkSemper This situation isn't getting any better. It's getting

worse and worse by the day. We went from $29M deficit a week ago to now $37M.

By the time the solutions arrive, we'll be materially over this $37M figure. And when they arrive, we have to execute on them flawlessly.

Give me your honest opinion on this. The current core team are not experts in protocol-level arbs, JIT, stableswaps, etc.

What probability would you give them in being able to flawlessly execute these solutions in the short time that we have in the face of all the obstacles of draining liquidity and volumes?

3 ответов

15 просмотров
John- Автор вопроса

I mean I really don't mean to be an asshole about this, but we need to be realistic on whether this can actually happen.

John- Автор вопроса

There's obviously tremendous execution risk here especially when implementing these solutions for the first time. We don't have the luxury of failure and experimentation and we don't have the luxury of time...

There's obviously tremendous execution risk here e...

There is no luxury of a bailout either. Whatever way you want to frame it to not sound like one, I see no indicators that such a large influx of capital is coming into the protocol for the purpose of turning the situation around in a single swoop like you have proposed. We build...but that does require time unfortunately. As far as any gaps in skill sets, I have no doubt that the right resources will be deployed to accomplish whatever development requirements are necessary to move forward. Continuing to hire and keep talent focused on building Bancor is exactly how I answer the question about "What is the foundation doing about this?".

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