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17 ответов

11 просмотров


So buy surf and get what?

So buy surf and get what?

And get USDN for ex. when BR recovers.

And get USDN for ex. when BR recovers.

For early bird is there any other incentives?

For early bird is there any other incentives?

You'll be able to get SURF at the lowest price.

For early bird is there any other incentives?

It directly depends on the BR value which will recover with every bought SURF from the sc.

How much Supply? Fix or float?

Patience, my friends! We'll get to know all soon.

Then how bout my nsbt price?

NSBT price (not locked NSBT) regulates by the market, does not have any relation to SURF price.

So buying SURF only with USDN please do not open other pairs...

So buying SURF only with USDN please do not open o...

Surf will be minted with waves and for markets, wx is a dex so every market is open

Thank you for your suggestion.

Thank you for your suggestion.

hmm I thought Recap token could only be bought by WAVES because WAVES should be locked in the SC of Neutrino for backing right ?

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