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Hi. I have had a loss of funds using Serum

DEX through the Dexlab interface.

I guess it's a BUG, so far I haven't had any problems after a year and hundreds of trades. I have had a loss of funds, fortunately it has been little money but I would like to know how it could have happened, now I have reservations about operating with a serum DEX in case it happens to me with a larger amount.

I placed a buy order RIN/USDC which was partially filled. I later canceled that order. The remaining USDC balance was in Unsettled balance but the RIN tokens from the part of the order that was filled is not listed anywhere, not in Unsettled balance and not in balance.

Therefore I lost an amount of USDC and did not receive the RIN tokens from the part of the order that was filled. Those tokens should have appeared in Unsettled balance and they didn't...

Does anyone know what could have happened? Anyone ever happened something similar?

Thanks in advance

1 ответов

24 просмотра

Use https://sonar.watch/tools/serum-dex or https://app.step.finance/#/dashboard To check your balances and settle from there. If you're still having issues DM the transaction

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