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Hey Hexicans. RH warned about a scam today. Any idea

which one specifically he is talking about?

6 ответов

12 просмотров
Jaguarundi- Автор вопроса

The fuck dude. I am a Hexican for a long time now and I just wanna know what dangers are out there. The hell?

The fuck dude. I am a Hexican for a long time now ...

It’s just a dusting attack targeted at hexicans, nothing crazy. Just don’t accept, try to claim, or try to sell on dex and you’re fine

Jaguarundi- Автор вопроса

If you got tokens airdropped to any of your addresses, it's a scam. If you got direct messages, they are scams.

Jaguarundi- Автор вопроса
Nenad [I won't dm you]
If you got tokens airdropped to any of your addres...

You mean if they just appear in my wallet or if I claim it?


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