210 похожих чатов

Ok so the inflation was raised to 100%and staking rewards

dropped to 26-27% from 30%+ +… now we have dropped another 7% ?????? All the way to 20% What the actual F is going on?!

4 ответов

15 просмотров

That’s right we’re get scammed by the community

Kahuna:-🍓 Council Автор вопроса

Can someone exlain what’s with the 7% staking rewards drop after we already dropped 10% since the inflations was RAISED to 100% ? Our kava keep getting diluted drastically while are staking rewards are going down like a ton of bricks . @cryptoswithcam @gr8scott

Kahuna: 🍓 Council
Can someone exlain what’s with the 7% staking rewa...

Scotts has said it's a shift towards liquid staking / staking derivatives but no details given yet of what yields you might expect with staking Derivatives

Kahuna:-🍓 Council Автор вопроса

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