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Perhaps there's only 1 question that remains without answer, even

Prince doesn't have the answer on this one, and that is the following:
When will Cardano release the Vasil Hardfork?

3 ответов

6 просмотров

I am sure Cardano must be having many "Prince's" as well. Try checking with them (their CMs)

The Black-Smit⚒⚔ Автор вопроса
Prince || COTI
I am sure Cardano must be having many "Prince's" a...

I'm positive they haven't.. There's only 1 true @PrinceCOTInetwork , the rest are fake ones, pretending to have all the answers

There is no set date up to now. First, IOG would have to tell pool operators which version of the node software to install. When enough pools run on the correct software, they will issue an update proposal on-chain. Then, it will take another epoch (5 days) to the “real” hard fork. So, it will most definitely not be last week of July.

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