or 500 MOVR, is that correct?
If you want to become a collator, the for the Moonbeam - you need a self bond - 110K GLMR and about 1.79M to get into the active set, for Moonriver a self bond 500 MOVR and about 20k MOVR to get into the active set. but you can apply for Orbiter collators program - https://docs.moonbeam.network/node-operators/networks/collators/orbiter/
Thanks. What does "to get into the active set" mean?
These are collators that produce blocks.
there is a finite number of collators, and in this case it is based on the total active stake, for earn rewards and produce the blocks need stay om the active set
Right now are 64 and will expand to 72 ( due the orbitam program)
Hmm. So potentially, people can keep "outbidding" each other until some people can no longer afford it. Is that correct? So it won't be about how early you are, or how long of a supporter you have been. It will be about who can throw more money into it. Did I understand it correctly?
It is possible, but several nodes of the community are still in the active set, precisely because they have been useful to the community, either by answering questions or by trust by previus work in other networks, and have been maintained from the beginning in the active set and to support the smaller nodes, and decentralization, the orbitan program was carried out
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