209 похожих чатов

Hey what’s the logic and dynamics behind Hex to make

it worth over a dollar one? Is it have world wide use case ability’s as in been used as form of payment in retails stores and more people onboarding, if neither of those are a contributing factor to price then what else makes it move up in price. Thanks.

7 ответов

8 просмотров

only thing that matters is buying and not selling for price appreciation

Gizmo- Автор вопроса
But what makes it move up in price?

literally just buying and not selling

Gizmo- Автор вопроса
T Don
literally just buying and not selling

Still doesn’t make sense something else’s has to make it move up in price,

Still doesn’t make sense something else’s has to m...

You gona get rekt on the market, if you don't learn how price discovery works. It will lead you to buy based on narratives and memes, which is the worst you can do in crypto.

But what makes it move up in price?

Read Menger. The value of an asset is determined by the subjective valuation of the consumers. It has nothing to do with objective underlying tech or anything like that. The value of crypto is determined by the user base. Case in point Doge. Totally idiotic shitcoin, however….we know what happened.

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