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Hey guys, does anyone know if "100% of AMO revenue

goes to veFXS stakers" include only the FXS1559 AMO?

6 ответов

2 просмотра

In October 2021, Frax passed a proposal to give 100% of AMO revenues and profits to veFXS holders. So FXS burn through AMO profits stopped. https://gov.frax.finance/t/move-100-of-fxs1559-to-vefxs-yield/174

Rod- Автор вопроса
So it became purely revenue generated on all 5 AMO...

I believe so, you can track the recenue either on the AMO dashboard or altogether here: https://dune.com/seba/Frax

So it became purely revenue generated on all 5 AMO...

Cash flow earned from AMOs, Fraxlend loans (upon launch)and Fraxswap fees are typically used to buy back FXS from the market then distributed to veFXS stakers as yield. The emission rate varies depending on protocol profitability, sources of cash flow, market price of FXS, and governance actions.

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