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How to buy UBT using DEX only without High Price

Impact like Paraswap or Sushi ?

4 ответов

17 просмотров

Unfortunately it's def gonna have some impact with any real volume....anything below 50k ubt at a time isn't going to have too much slippage but if above just gonna need some patience

Liquidity is best on polygon if you use paraswap.io, there is Liquidity on uniswap and tiny amount on quickswap

Nino-Crypto Автор вопроса
Liquidity is best on polygon if you use paraswap.i...

I use Paraswap but it is a pain with Big slippage for small buys

Nino Crypto
I use Paraswap but it is a pain with Big slippage ...

I think on polygon the uniswap pool starts at 20 cents. So may be out of range ATM.

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