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Any Idea about Uniswap? Is Moonbeam Team in Contact with

Uniswap Team?

5 ответов

10 просмотров

From what the uniswap team told me on their discord it’s not up to them to give a deadline but it’s the integration partner to do his job - ie nomad - or for you take a new one. How come your info is so unsynced with theirs? It’s quite worrying if I may

From what the uniswap team told me on their discor...

idk, but will pass this question to the Moonbeam Foundation

idk, but will pass this question to the Moonbeam F...

Why do you feed us some not accurate info then? It seems there is absolutely no communication with the uniswap team and this project is not owned by anyone in the team

It seems to me that moderators cannot know all the exact details, and probably in the discord you also received a response from the moderator?

It seems to me that moderators cannot know all the...

Well indeed it was a mod I guess who mentioned possibly going through governance proposal update. On the other hand here is the answer made by the Nomad team (Robert from the discord official team) on wether or not their involvement in the integration was deprecated after the hack: « I don't know. It might actually be up to the uniswap community on whether they still want to partner with us for this deployment at all. This event has created a lot of uncertainties, and right now the only thing we're focusing on is recovery. »

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