210 похожих чатов

The high APY % for staking bnt was the only

reason for anyone to buy the bnt token and this was removed, and rightly so

But if you remove this, you should think of other benefits to replace it with rather than simply take all the good away and leave it with nothing.

Like much of the community, I'm getting tired and worn out. My frustrations are building up with the utter lack of brilliant ideas coming out from the bancor gatekeepers who are put in place to keep this shit together.

Fee generation? Don't you contributors dare to think that you should ever be allowed to risk any of the communities funds being deployed into any other defi protocol. Simply natively staking with 0 risk? Sure I guess, but if there is any additional risk, then I'm making it clear here, we lost our funds because you failed to keep our funds safe. Bouncing ideas around deploying our funds via other schemes is recklessness and should not be allowed.

Making the BNT more desirable is within your complete control and this won't put our funds at risk.

So place your brainpower behind this idea and figure this shit out.

I don't want to hear another community call regurgitating the same talking points which all lead to.. ideas but nothing formalized..

You contributors control the dao with your voting power. This community can't come to an agreement on tiny issues, nevermind forumalte the ideas for you how to fix this. And even if we did, and you dont agree on the path, you'll control the vote with your whale wallets.

So rather than wasting time, which we have, give us your brilliant ideas, go ahead and pass your own proposal and let's get on with it!

Sorry for ranting.. but seriously !

4 ответов

13 просмотров

I'm not understanding what you're saying about deploying funds elsewhere. I've never heard of this before and not sure if I've possibly missed this conversation or if this is just something you're suspecting might be proposed as some sort of solution??

Jindo- Автор вопроса
I'm not understanding what you're saying about dep...

One of the ideas floating around in gov was taking some of the liquidity out from the pools and deploying those funds into a fee generation scheme. There's far too much risk in doing this I understand time isn't being wasted and that things are chugging along ...but anytime I hear a discussion around a solution.. it's only on generating fees.. which is good .. but that's only 1 area of focus A creation and mass selling of bnt caused this mess. I've been trying hard in gov to point out that a more desirable bnt and with increase in organic buy pressure can help get us out of this mess. I hope the team can consider this notion as another facut to solving the problem and build additional desirable utilities for the bnt token

One of the ideas floating around in gov was taking...

I hear you. And I’m sure you’re not the only one thinking that…

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