moves to trading moballs, how will this affect the calculation of boxing success rate? Will it have its own price feed gathered from MMV MP then calculated with the fair momo price * mood or anchored to 1mbox regardless of current price in MMV MP?
It will not affect it
But my guy, isnt calculation tied to it? as fair value is converted to mbox? for example if $305fairvalue rare is 500mbox at $.61mbox and that means 1 superball which costs 10mbox gives you 2% chance of successfully boxing it, then having a dynamic moball price means this moves too, right?
So based on your comment we should adjust the % rate for rares and epics in myster boxes too, based on their price?
Not saying anything its what Ive derived from the available information that is in the article it says there boxing rate is = fairvalue of the momo * 100% for tense and a -20% decrease in this variable in each mood
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