209 похожих чатов


6 ответов

6 просмотров

hi sir, why do you keep sharing other articles and news. what effect it has on BitTorrent.

hi sir, why do you keep sharing other articles and...

BTT is part of the TRON ecosystem, this means that many users who may not have time to be in other groups and read all their messages can also be informed by being here about everything that happens in the ecosystem

Carlos_TRX | TRONIC | 🇪🇦
BTT is part of the TRON ecosystem, this means that...

then it's better to just change the name of grub to Tron ecosystem

then it's better to just change the name of grub t...

No This is specific to BTT just like you have another one from BTTC, however the information does not take up space and if you do not like it you can always ignore it and go to the next message, there are many other users who are grateful since they do not have time to read so much msg or get on twitter and read everything.

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