209 похожих чатов

Hi will there be btt network support on Binance soon?

Accidentally brought from Huobi to the address of the binance in this network, but did not look that it is not supported there, lmfao

9 ответов

19 просмотров

Which token standard did you use

Dmitrii- Автор вопроса
Emma Banking
Which token standard did you use


Please check your post and check out my own question

BitTorrent Chain is a blockchain and Binance Chain is other different Blockchain. If you need to move some cross-chain tokens between these blockchains use BT.io

Dmitrii- Автор вопроса
Piter | ₮RONIC | 🇪🇸
BitTorrent Chain is a blockchain and Binance Chain...

I have a different situation. I sent to the Binance address. This is an input address like any other exchange. Binance doesn't have this network unfortunately, but Huobi does.

I have a different situation. I sent to the Binanc...

If the address belongs to Binance you have to contact them and try to recover your funds. No one else can help you with that. If you accept an advice, https://www.htx.com/ (formerly Huobi) support BTT on BTTC and TRON. For next times maybe use this exchange would be more convenient.

Dmitrii- Автор вопроса
Piter | ₮RONIC | 🇪🇸
If the address belongs to Binance you have to cont...

Yes, I understand. I've reached out to them. The question was whether there are any rumors that Binance will support BTT Chain

Yes, I understand. I've reached out to them. The q...

I hope it's not much money froze at Binance exchange

Dmitrii- Автор вопроса

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