209 похожих чатов

Hello, i didn't follow the project before and i missed

the change of Btt TRC10 to BTT TR20. Is there any possibilty for me to change my BTTOLD to New contract?

8 ответов

33 просмотра

Guide to swap from OLDBTT to BTT 1- Install Tronlink.org 2- Create a wallet or import it if you already had one in another app 3- Deposit your OLDBTT in your TRON address. 4- Find the EXPLORER at the bottom of the page 5- Type https://bt.io/swap in the address bar or just find the BTTC dApp 6- Say yes to all pop ups 7- Choose the number of BTT you want to swap and click on CONFIRM SWAP Note: TRON transactions consume TRX as gas, make sure you have ~15 TRX or 40,000 Energy if you don't want to pay.

Akel Hanuman-GODONOU Автор вопроса
Guide to swap from OLDBTT to BTT 1- Install Tron...

What's your best price for the next bull run? I'm not strong in english.

Akel Hanuman-GODONOU Автор вопроса

It is a strong project. so it will participate in the next bull run. just trust in the project, nobody can tell you how much will cost in the future

@swthomeswt [6868356683] used a banned word. Action: Muted 🔇 until 10/11/2023 18:45.

Carlos_TRX | TRONIC | 🇪🇦
It is a strong project. so it will participate in ...

I can't hold for next bull Run.. Of 2029 We need in this bull run profit

Sure... I just did that some days ago

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