209 похожих чатов

Then why btt old crashed but btt new is ok?

7 ответов

25 просмотров

I heard just the opposite, btt old has a better swap price but anyways the official swap you can always swap for 1000 new BTT

Sadegh_1- Автор вопроса

OLDBTT is being deprecated

my friend, I am asking you to unblock my father, he was blocked a long time ago for unknown reasons, he is a sincere supporter of btt, he has been there for over 3 years, please unblock him, his username is nunik1

Piter | ₮RONIC | 🇪🇸
What's the username and why was he blocked

my friend, he knows, he claims that he sent something by mistake, it was already 2 years ago, he doesn't remember, he is a big supporter of btt, he has been keeping it for about 3 years, he asked me to write a request to unblock him, his username is Nunik1

Piter | ₮RONIC | 🇪🇸
What's the username and why was he blocked

my friend, he knows, he claims that he sent something by mistake, it was already 2 years ago, he doesn't remember, he is a big supporter of btt, he has been keeping it for about 3 years, he asked me to write a request to unblock him, his username is Nunik1

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