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Morning Thoughts: Words mean nothing in times of war, many have

been conditioned to believe in the "Experts" and no longer can think for themselves. It truly is a sad world we have today where men arrr no longer men and the obviousness of the situation is blurred by television programming. Men who can unprogram the programmed is whats needed. The revolution will not be telestreamed.

I pray to my god that more MEN rise, because the generations to come need real direction and not this political tribunal of blind following sentinel pussy posers we see today teaching our children NOTHING about survival.

As you sit numbed by the verbal drugs prescribed by your experts, loving your fellow MAN can give him rise enough to lift him out of the false fog he is suffocating in unaware. Love can give purpose to the lost vigor in society, not to be confused by the twisted agenda sour we see today. Love is god and my god is water, does your water speak to you like mine speaks to me ? Arrr you fucking listening ? or arrr you doing what you arrr told like the pussy you arrr.

Lift your skirt and grab your balls because the night is young and we strike in darkness so new lights can be seen and shine bright.

Today. leave behind the old and start a new on your own calendar, ignore the numbers as numbers cover the more tangible and obvious. Numbers can drive you into the slavery. Ignore any man made construct and look for swords that have been stuck in stones.

2 ответов

18 просмотров

I love your enthusiasm but unfortunately the human race is destined to be modified into AI robots..sad but true..by 2030 our kids won't have mobile phones, instead, implanted chips..hate the thought of the metaverse but its where we are heading

I love your enthusiasm but unfortunately the human...

its every parents responsibility to make sure they dont get hurt mentally or physically

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