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When creating a csper signer wallet what does ED25519 and SECP256K1

mean and which do I select?

4 ответов

14 просмотров

Hi Sylvester, the choice is up to you however, for EVM compatible keys you can use SecP, this is the most used. ED255 is the more secure of the two. This is a good description for both of them: ED25519: Fast, provides high level of security with fool proof session keys among other features. Secp256k1: is an efficient encryption algorithm and it's the same algorithm used by Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Hi Chuck, why did the developers come up with the idea of ​​making two keys? Why couldn't you just do one? This greatly complicates the UX of the wallet.

Hi Chuck, why did the developers come up with the ...

With the latest version, you should be downloading only one key, which is the private key.

Hi Chuck, why did the developers come up with the ...

These are not 2 separate keys, these are different algorithms which have different functionality depending if you are using smart contracts or not

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