210 похожих чатов

Hi Admin and Community, I’m doing some research on casper

nd asking for help on where to look. Can someone please share links to resources and data:
1. How many nodes/validators are there?
2. How many wallets?
4. How many transactions per day/week?
5. Revenue - how much is earned from daily/weekly fees from transactions
5. Any Dapps running? If so, how many?
6. is there TVL


1 ответов

16 просмотров

Hey Croissant, here's a few links to answer your questions: 1. https://cspr.live/validators 2 - 3: We can't exactly give a number on that, 4. Currently we're at 8% inflation rate, this is to ensure that validators/delegators are rewarded, and ensure the security of the CSPR network 5. You can check that out here: https://casperblockchain.io/ 6. There is currently no way of seeing TVL

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